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OpenAmiga.org status reportPosted by orgin at 20090118 10:05
There is now 11 project open for grabs and 15 assigned projects on OpenAmiga.org. 2008 provided a slow start for OpenAmiga, as expected with the number of available developers for our platform. Hopefully 2009 will speed things up a bit with the SAM adding more and more os4 users to the fold. Still we managed to submit the extended mouse pointer types project to Hyperion and quite a bit of source code was submitted to the svn.

Current status:

Fredrik Wikstrom (salass00) has submitted a range of his datatypes to the svn:

sun .au datatype
Targa .tga datatype
PC Paintbrush Exchange .pcx datatype
Direct Draw Surface .dds datatype
RIFF-WAVE .wav datatype
Mac OS icon .icns datatype
Windows icon .ico datatype
JPEG 2000 datatype

He also has submitted the code for his amazing Disk image device that lets you mount a large range of different device images. Such as iso, nrg, adf, hdf, bin and many many more.

Fredrik is also assigned to a project for creating an icon plug-in that uses vector based graphics.

Tuomas Hokka (TSK) has created a project for his amidock like utility called Benchbar.

Simon Archer (Rigo) is assigned to two projects, one to create a new clicktab.gadget class and the other to create a proposal for a new complementary version string to amiga binaries.

centaurz has volunteered for writing a tutorial/guideline for using prefsobjects to store application specific data.

Vicente Gimeno (ami603) submitted his preliminary work on a workbench file lister.

A list of the assigned projects can be found here:

A lot of help is needed, both on the assigned projects as well as those not yet assigned. If you feel that you are able to contribute then please don't hesitate to join in.
Of the assigned projects, the Workbench file lister project is the one that needs the most help. But any of projects can use your help, just contact any moderator/webmaster or the person assigned to a project using the OpenAmiga message system.

About OpenAmiga.org
OpenAmiga.org is an organization in the making that aims at enhancing the AmigaOS4 experience, acting as an Amiga community based research and development department. OpenAmiga.org aims at providing finished enhancements for AmigaOS4 that Hyperion can include in their AmigaOS4 distribution, research advanced topics and act as a developer resource for AmigaOS4 developers.
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Open Amiga project website, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström