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The forums here on openamiga.org are primary meant for internal discussions or for things that would only be considered spamming the amigans.net forum.
  Recent activity in the forums
Title  Replies  Last post  
  SVN Access  0  miker1264  
  Bug on "Add Updates" page ?  3  marko  
  Assigning to projects (Assign manager)  2  marko  
  Library version checking  0  salass00  
  Language drivers  3  Belxjander  
  Public SVN access  2  centaurz  
  Hi there ;-)  1  orgin  
  Double post when clicking "Preview"  1  orgin  
  Projects site, forums. What else?  6  orgin  
  BugTrackers for Amiga OS 4.x??  1  orgin  
  License discussion  3  TSK  
  A list of potential projects  7  Rigo  
  The project needs YOU!  0  orgin  
  General concerns about Open Amiga  3  orgin  
  IRC Channel  0  orgin  
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Open Amiga project website, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström