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orginProjects site, forums. What else?20080718 00:37
So, we have a project web site and forums.

What else do we need?
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abalabanRe: Projects site, forums. What else?20080721 12:41

We should either choose an existing CVS/SVN repository site or setup our own (how is OpenAmiga hosted? can you install such a service on the machine ?)
orginRe: Projects site, forums. What else?20080721 12:55

It's on my own server. But a CVS/SVN would require a robust backup mechanism. I don't have the financial muscle to provide that.
abalabanRe: Projects site, forums. What else?20080721 16:19

Yes I understand that, and letting aside the financial problem, such a service requires some constant care and maintenance (guarantee of online time, etc.) that IMHO is far beyond the time one can freely spare after his daily job...

Also I think that if we are going for OpenAmiga we should go fully "open" and use one of the several existing websites offering to host open source projects (sourceforge, berlios, code.google.com, etc.) they already offer the repository service without all the hassle about administrative setup/management of an selfhosted one.
nubechecorreRe: Projects site, forums. What else?20100403 22:39

i agree with you, and maybe you can use sourceforge that already is used by the amigans :-)
nubechecorreRe: Projects site, forums. What else?20100403 22:39

i agree with you, and maybe you can use sourceforge that already is used by the amigans :-)
orginRe: Projects site, forums. What else?20100429 18:31

We already have a svn here :) Although people are welcome to use source forge too if they wish. I wouldn't want to discourage people from joining in by limit it to just one solution.
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Open Amiga project website, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström