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Title:Workbench file lister
Create a replacement file lister that resembles the ones used in Diropus and Diropus Magellan.
orginGeneral20080713 03:27
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abalabanWB File lister of the upcoming OS 4.120080721 16:46
I was concerned about the validity of this project since OS 4.1 is supposed to come with a file lister mode.
Origin answered : "From the 4.1 demos and reports it seems the new lister mode is just the old mode but looking a bit more fancy with scaled icons, but it's not really a useful file management lister mode. It does not provide a fraction of the functionality as described in the lister project (There's not even an address bar which is a very basic requirement for a proper file lister)."

Personnaly I don't think the concept of address bar is really a must, and find it not so "Amiga'ish". In the event of such a thing would be added something like what exist on Konqueror would be better : something that graphicaly displays your paths like " volume > some > path > down > to > filesystem " and on which you can click in order to up directly to any level of the path, and that you can switch to/from a string gadget by a single click on a dedicated button in order to manual enter the full path (in this, path completion *is* a must).

- Also I don't want it to be "a separate program", I want it to be integrated in the WB (at least in event of its OS integration).

- "Size remembering" should not be done in env/envarc drawer else you will fill your HD with tons of useless small files. On the other hand we should use the same storage as the wb's snapshot function, i.e. the drawer's icon.

- "Drag & Drop between instances of the lister for copying and moving files", yes that's one of the feature I miss in the current WB : a way to force copy or force move of a file during a drag'n'drop, this operation should also be clearly indicated in the WB by using different mouse pointers to notify the user if it will copy or move. However I don't consider this a feature of a lister mode, but rather a feature of an improved WB.

- the toolbar of the lister should be as small as possible in height because I don't like to have big windows with only small useable areas because of huge toolbar icons. 5or better meke it configurable !

To finish I'll also note that for me the lister window is rather a replacement for the actual WB window than a new mode, as such the lister should provide different type of view just like the Konqueror (or the Windows Explorer) : icon, list, detailed at least. The really great thing would be if the lister provide a way to add some display plugin, for example to be able to have special views for images drawers, for music albums, or even for CVS or SVN drawers.
orginRe: WB File lister of the upcoming OS 4.120080721 17:40

An address bar has been in diropus and opus magellan for ages without anyone calling them "non amigaish". It's the fastest way to enter an new arbitrary path without having to start at the root and click your way all down to the path you're after. And without an address bar a path like "ftp:user@host" would be awkward to enter. Though I agree that click on the path parts to go directly to them could be quite handy.

The separate program requirement was meant to refer to step one functionality. Just to start getting somewhere, integration into the wb can be added later.

env/envarc. Yes the icon info could be used, until you integrate it into the wb and don't have an icon for it. But it doesn't have to be a separate file in env/envarc, it could be integrated into the already existing preference files. Preferably there should, in the long run, be a preferences program in sys:prefs/ to handle configuration of the lister (toolbar, user defined functions etc) accessible both from the prefs drawer and a right click menu option when a lister is the active window. The size info can be stored in that prefs file.

As for size of the toolbar, check the diropus magellan toolbar size. It's quite small. But preferably it should be scalable in some way and even possible to turn it off and just have menu options.

As for cvs/svn I suppose that could be made by combining the use of a network handler. (path = svn:user@host) and the lister being aware of the content so that you can have a popup menu for checkout etc.
abalabanRe: WB File lister of the upcoming OS 4.120080725 11:51

As for cvs/svn I suppose that could be made by combining the use of a network handler. (path = svn:user@host) and the lister being aware of the content so that you can have a popup menu for checkout etc.

No you don't get it, I was thinking to *local* sandboxes of CVS/SVN, those are drawers were some CVS/SVN administration files are not revelant to show, and where you might have some other actions in toolbar/context menu than in normal ones.
orginRe: WB File lister of the upcoming OS 4.120080725 12:11

Yeah I've seen tortoise on win do that. Though 'views' would be a late step functionality. I think it should first be about easy file management locally and then add stuff like ftp, snapshots, svn etc.
HammerDRe: WB File lister of the upcoming OS 4.120080811 01:24

I would like to see integrated "Find" function (similar to what Vista has) on every lister window. After typing in your text you would press "Enter" or an arrow to start the operation, and the resulting screen would be cleared and then the results would be displayed.

Of course you can make it optional to turn off or on the find.
orginRe: WB File lister of the upcoming OS 4.120080811 10:24

yeah, would be neat to integrate it with:

orginFile operations task/process20080811 19:21

I was thinking about the copy/move/rename core that you mentioned.

Perhaps the core's resposibility could be:
1 - to keep track of the files currently selected for an operation (perhaps using the clipboard)
2 - span new tasks/processes that actually perform the file operations.
    So that individual operations can be performed in parallel.
    An example could be that a large portion of files is being copied by one task/process at the same time as the user wants to copy other files.

That is, once say a copy is requested a new tasks/process is created that opens a progress window and starts doing the copying. While it is operating the user can continue browsing the listers and start new operations as needed.
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