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SVN Working againPosted by orgin at 20160904 10:31
After a report by Chris I've now fixed the SVN "Authorization failed" problem.

It seems svnserve had changed behaviour after I updated the server.

If you encounter any problems with the svn or the website in the future the please don't hesitate in contacting me so that I can fix it.
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Priority updated on all open and assigned projectsPosted by orgin at 20140402 19:15
The OS4 development team has prioritized all open and assigned projects. From now on the priority field will be set by the OS4 development team (ie Hyperion).

Find the new priorities here:
Open projects
Assigned projects
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New moderatorPosted by orgin at 20140224 10:53
Daniel Jedlicka (trixie) has been assigned to moderator on Openamiga. His main task will be to try to rejuvenate the openamiga effort.
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Assigned project: Installer script generation utilityPosted by orgin at 20140224 10:50
The "Installer script generation utility" project has been assigned to Marko SeppÀnen

Project description:
"A utility that generates an installation script for Installer, using a reaction based graphical front end."
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New project - Prefs centerPosted by orgin at 20101103 09:10
A project has been created on OpenAmiga.org containg the Prefs center application by Tuomas Hokka
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New Project - MixerPosted by orgin at 20101103 08:59
A project has been created on OpenAmiga.org following the release of the Mixer sources by Davy Wentzler as opensource to os4depot.
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Mailing listPosted by orgin at 20100914 15:01
A mailing list has been created for openamiga.org members.

Log in at OpenAmiga.org and check the "Mailing list" content entry in the left menu for details on how to join.
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New guideline addedPosted by orgin at 20100113 12:48
Added a new Code Styleguide under Guidelines
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Some new guidelinesPosted by orgin at 20090216 07:41
I've added two new guidelines:
    - Global images
- Miscellaneous recommendations
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OpenAmiga.org status reportPosted by orgin at 20090118 10:05
There is now 11 project open for grabs and 15 assigned projects on OpenAmiga.org. 2008 provided a slow start for OpenAmiga, as expected with the number of available developers for our platform. Hopefully 2009 will speed things up a bit with the SAM adding more and more os4 users to the fold. Still we managed to submit the extended mouse pointer types project to Hyperion and quite a bit of source code was submitted to the svn.
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Open Amiga project website, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström