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[View Project]
Title:Extra version string system
Invent a way to embed an extra, non amiga version strings into programs and create a tool to extract it.
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Title:ExtraVersion 1.0b
Text:I rewrote pretty much the whole command from scratch (the previouse code was a mess). And implemented testcases that checks files for both bad and good extver tags. Hopefully the command should work better (and safer) now.

However there are a few testfiles that hasn't passed yet (files where the file ends just after an extver tag), that I haven't fixed yet.
Also perhaps one or two more commands could be implemented, and also cleaning up the code and such.

I've uploaded version 1.0b to OS4Depot.net.

Kind regards,
Marko SeppÀnen
Created by:marko
Created at:20160226 07:26
[View Comments]
ID  Title  CommentsCreated atCreated by
54  ExtraVersion updated to 1.1.0b  0  20171211 18:43  marko
41  Alpha 3 ready with a downloadable file  0  20140512 04:29  marko
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