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[View Project]
Title:Add Reset, Last saved, Restore and Cancel buttons/menus
Description:Add Reset, Last saved, Restore and Cancel buttons or menu items so that its behavior becomes more consisten with other OS prefs:

Settings menus:
A) "Reset to defaults" resets the sliders/mutes to the built-in defaults for a given card. DONE
B) "Last saved" reads the settings from ENVARC:. DONE
C) "Restore" brings the sliders back to where they were when the window was opened. DONE

A) "Use" closes the window keeping the current settings. DONE (saving settings to ENV:)
B) "Cancel" restores the previous values and closes the window. DONE

One inconsistency may have to remain: the window close gadget behaving like a "Use" button instead of "Cancel", because it seems more intuitive for the volume to stay as-is than having it jump back to the previous values. Any objections? NO :-), Haven't touch CloseGadget code, so think it's working this way.
Created by:AlexC
Created at:20110522 05:40
Finished at:20130813
Last update:20130814 11:20
Assigned to:javierdlr
Open Amiga project website, Created in 2008 by Björn Hagström